Ben and Alina had to run back home to grab some gear so Frank and I just started the mission alone. We geared up and started the backwards walk. We left the GoPro with our gear just because we didn't want to carry it. (MISTAKE). Before we even put our masks on, we look down at the water and we can see our feet from chest high surf, then we put them on and dunk our heads.... BOOM. Poseidon was smiling down on the Warriors of the Sea because the vis was absolutely amazing. It was the best I had ever seen away from the islands. It was honestly like diving in the tropics. Frank and I immediately started shouting and celebrating through our snorkels! In about 10 feet of water I already started seeing calico bass! Frank dove with his pole spear and sleighed his first one!
We swam out a little deeper, and started cruising around the kelp. I was looking for flats and big calico, but I kept missing high with my shots... idk why. Started searching in the rocks for cabs and lings but instead of those I just see bugs for days! they were just chillin like nothing was going on! Two more days Two more days...
We go a bit further to a depth around 40 ft or so (can still see the bottom) to look for bigger fish. I pop up out of the water, and I hear Ben shouting my name. "Doug! I need the Stringer!" I look over, and he's holding this massive Megalodon of a lingcod above his head. YEAHHH!! We string up the blue beauty and then he tells me where they're at. A couple dives later I see this beautifully patterned brown ling chillin right under me, I chase her for a sec and then BOOM! HEADSHOT! It was great. But then, as I was stringing her up, I managed to drop my spear tip and shaft... Soo if anyone finds a tip.. pm me. =] I did get the shaft back.
Frizzle Frank
Big Ben
Douggie B