Welcome back! The team is finally back in action. After almost a month away from Santa Barbara, the winter quarter is in session and everyone is back in the house. Christmas was good to the WOTS team, Frank finally got that spear that he wanted oh so badly. He acquired a horrifying 3 foot long beast of a spear gun. The Cressi Comanche is sure to send some stainless steel dinner invitations to some unsuspecting aquatic animals. His is the mammoth gun in the middle of this picture...
SOOO long. |
But! Frank was not the only one blessed this year, I also acquired the new GoPro Black addition that I've been wantING since forever, and the picture quality is amazing!
My brother also got me new fins and a sweet weight belt, and then I ACTUALLY bought a wet suit and booties. Sooo now I can go pro. OuR balcony looks like a divers garage sale with all of our gear right now.
Soo much stuff. |
Soo anyways, lemme get to the first dive back that we all shared on Saturday. Frank, Ben, and I went out to check a little spot and got wettt. The water was pretty chili. I would say around 55 degrees but it was pretty darn clear. Maybe around 13-15 in most spots, but the surge was ridiculous so that was kinda annoying. The kelp beds were so THICK!! Getting through that was like crawling through feet of fresh powder. #thestruggle
BUT, there was plenty of fish!!

We get in the water and get out to the first few beds, and there are tons of rocks, opies, perch and calicos everywhere! We see a few BIG sheeps chillin too so we know its gonna be fun! I start shooting my Gat at calicos, but I keep missing!! I don't know whats wrong with me! I was getting frustrated, you don't even know. I started looking for bugs but i didn't grab anything big enough to keep. Shucks. But this is a cool picture.
dis lil buddy |
After i finished playing with the lobster, I went back into fish mode. I finally see this big ol' sheep in this lil cave, I BLAST him! The spear goes through his head! but then he starts thrashin around and then suddenly, there's no more pull. HE GOT AWAY FROM ME! GAHH! Soo many times that day did I think I was gonna eat but NOOOO Poseidon has to be a dick and I come back fishless.
Are you saying you dont believe me?? Well then, here, BIG FISH IN HOLE WITH SPEAR IN ITS
fish in da lap |
I should have had him. |
At least Ben was able to shoot a fish. He shot this ling right in the head and stoned it! Because we forgot to bring a bag, he had to sit with it in his lap on the way home.
Soo, that's the story from this last Saturday, hope people actually read this, gonna post a video from the last few dives soon, I hope! Keep diving and as always WOTS FO LYF333!!!